By Thomas Keane | Patient
What we choose to think and say today, in this moment, will impact tomorrow and the next day, the next week and the next month and the next year, and so forth. The point of power is always in the present moment. This is where we begin to make changes. We begin to let the old nonsense go. Right now. The smallest beginning will make a difference. It is our desire to transform "dis-ease" in life into optimal health.
My name is Thomas; and when it comes to exercise, fitness, healthy living and eating, I was indeed a ‘Doubting Thomas.’ As a young adult, I led an active life.
My mentality was: healthy body, healthy mind. But then came the later years — AARP, Silver Sneakers, diet restrictions, and that dreaded term, "senior citizen.” So, I settled onto my couch and enjoyed a sedentary life. Then REALITY came knocking. An event that changed everything, COVID! During the lockdowns, I discovered Door Dash, pizza delivery, and frozen margaritas brought right to my door. I avoided COVID but not a diagnosis for Stage 1 lung cancer and COPD. For the next few years, I endured numerous surgeries and additional medical problems. The result: unhealthy body, unhealthy mind.
I am older now and cancer-free. I tried several wellness programs but was unable to see them through. And then one day, I learned about the pulmonary rehabilitation group at Ascension Seton Williamson in Round Rock, Texas. I think it may have something to do with divine intervention. At the outset, I was not a willing candidate for this program. I resisted every inch of the way. But nothing I said phased the two therapists, Megan and Heather. “Could they be angels?” I wondered. Their positive persistence and friendly smiles wore me down, and I agreed to try once again for a fit and healthy lifestyle. I can honestly say that their knowledge and healthy ways to live life convinced me to do the work and reap the benefits of a quality of life I had never imagined.
I sincerely appreciate and wish the very best to the team at Ascension Seton Williamson, and I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to live at their best potential. I am happy to report that I'm no longer a ‘Doubting Thomas,’ and having this chance to renew my life is truly amazing.
If we want a joyous life, we must think joyous thoughts. Words and thoughts fit our experiences. Be willing to change your words and thoughts and watch your life change.