1. Enacted
2. Germaneness
o. Requirement that an amendment be closely related to the text it proposes to amend
3. Measure
r. A legislative vehicle: bill, joint resolution, concurrent resolution or simple resolution
4. Veto
j. Presidential disapproval of a bill or joint resolution presented for enactment into law
5. Conference Committee
m. Temporary joint committee created to resolve differences between House and Senate versions of a measure
6. Companion Bill
b. Identical or substantially similar measures introduced in the other chamber
7. Jurisdiction
p. Set of policy issues that fall under the purview of a specific committee or subcommittee
8. Bicameral
a. Having two houses in a legislative body
9. CBO Score
q. Shows how a piece of legislation would change spending by the federal government as compared to current law
10. Ping-Pong
g. Method for reconciling differences between the two chambers’ versions of a measure
11. Markup
e. Committee or subcommittee meeting to offer, debate and vote on amendments to a measure
12. Referral
h. Assignment of a measure to a committee/subcommittee for potential consideration
13. Action Codes
l. Identify stages that condense detailed legislative action steps
14. Petition
f. Written statement from an entity other than a state legislature that may affect the proceedings of a committee or Congress
15. Enrolled Measure
n. Final official copy of a measure as passed in identical form in both chambers, printed on parchment and presented to the president
16. Sponsor
s. Person who presents a bill or resolution to a legislature for consideration
17. MAC
k. Medicare administrative contractors
18. Hold
d. Request in the Senate to delay floor action on a measure
19. Popular Title
t. Informal, unofficial name for legislation that may be assigned by the House, Senate or CRS to improve access
20. Supermajority
i. Describes a vote on a matter that requires approval by more than a simple majority of members present and voting
a. Having two houses in a legislative body
b. Identical or substantially similar measures introduced in the other chamber
c. Made into law
d. Request in the Senate to delay floor action on a measure
e. Committee or subcommittee meeting to offer, debate and vote on amendments to a measure
f. Written statement from an entity other than a state legislature that may affect the proceedings of a committee or Congress
g. Method for reconciling differences between the two chambers’ versions of a measure
h. Assignment of a measure to a committee/subcommittee for potential consideration
i. Describes a vote on a matter that requires approval by more than a simple majority of members present and voting
j. Presidential disapproval of a bill or joint resolution presented for enactment into law
k. Medicare administrative contractors
l. Identify stages that condense detailed legislative action steps
m. Temporary joint committee created to resolve differences between House and Senate versions of a measure
n. Final official copy of a measure as passed in identical form in both chambers, printed on parchment and presented to the president
o. Requirement that an amendment be closely related to the text it proposes to amend
p. Set of policy issues that fall under the purview of a specific committee or subcommittee
q. Shows how a piece of legislation would change spending by the federal government as compared to current law
r. A legislative vehicle: bill, joint resolution, concurrent resolution or simple resolution
s. Person who presents a bill or resolution to a legislature for consideration
t. Informal, unofficial name for legislation that may be assigned by the House, Senate or CRS to improve access